Wednesday, May 11, 2011


We are really enjoying outside!  Dylan loves to go to the park, he calls it the "Weeeee" b/c the slides and swings are so much fun they make us all say "WEEEEE!"  He is definitely a boy and a toddler.  He goes everywhere at full speed, he loves water and mud and wants to spend every minute exploring something outside.  He enjoys looking for turtles that like to sunbathe on logs in the pond behind our house.  He points at the pond all the time and yells "TURTLE".  He also enjoys seeing the ducks and geese.  We even have a Great Blue Heron and a Great Egret.  We so the heron pull a fishy out of the pond to eat the other day.  Lots of wildlife just outside our house and Dylan loves it.  Can't wait to see how he reacts to the zoo. 

Ready for family pics!

Taking a walk!  Loves to pick "flowers"

Dylan is 18 mos (in one day) now.  We have his check up next week.  He is really working on 2 word sentences these days.  Most common are "More Please" "Sit Down" "Get Down (to Niblet & Butters :))  "More Milk".  He also repeats a lot of what we say so it is cute watching him study our mouths.  He is also into music.  He loves to sing and dance.  It is very adorable.   
Dylan and Cole ready to go to the park!

We are looking forward to a fun and busy summer.  Matt and Cathy are coming in a few weeks to visit and do a 10K Mud Run with me.  Basically it is a 10K with five military obstacles one which is crawling through a mud pit :)  Looks like a blast! 

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Spring is here!

We are so happy that the weather is getting nicer!  Dylan is loving all the outside time at school.  They usually go out to their playground 2 times a day if the weather is cooperating.  He really loves the slide and the sandbox.  He calls the slide "Weeeeee" so everytime we see a slide he starts yelling out "weee, weeee" and pointing at it.  It is very adorable.  We are very lucky in our neighborhood to have many parks within walking distance so Dylan gets a lot of time at the park!  We need to take some pics of our time at the park, we keep forgetting the camera. 

Out on the patio enjoying 85 degree weather in APRIL!

Loves his daddy!
Dylan now has all of his teeth, until he gets his 2 year old molars.  The canines have been the worst so far but they have all finally poked through so that is behind us for a little while.  He is growing up so fast and amazes us most days with how much he picks up.  He has started answering our questions with a "yes or no".  He doesn't always use them correctly but it is funny to hear him respond.  Today he was jabbering away in his high chair and he sounded like he said, "mama got no money".  Which Dennis and I thought was hilarious!  I'm sure that isn't what he said but it was so clear we had to laugh.  He is really starting to use his words to point things out that he sees outside.  His favorites are airplanes, birds and doggies!  We also have a goose nesting next to the pond outside our house and we keep telling him that the goose is sleeping.  He likes to say, "nigh nigh" and points at the goose. 

I have taken up running over the last 9 months.  I ran in my first 5k in March and ran an 8k today.  I have signed up for a 10k in May and this one is a little different.  It has 5 obstacles throughout the run.  I'm not sure what they all are but know that they include water crossings and an army crawl through a mud pit!  Matt and Cathy are coming to join me so it should be a great family event!
After my 8k in Chicago
We are heading home this weekend for Easter a week early since my mom has to work Easter weekend.  Dylan always enjoys his time with Grandma.  It will be our first trip since the car seat has been turned forward facing so hopefully he enjoys the view.  He is pretty good during the car ride all things considered.  Gives me hope for when we head to Maui for Travis and Molly's wedding. We hope all is well, we are really looking forward to a fun and exciting summer. 

Thursday, March 10, 2011

A Boy and his Dog(s)

We have started to notice that in many photos of Dylan, a dog appears not far away.  Usually it is Butters but occasionally Niblet gets in the mix.  Dylan and his doggies are the best of friends.  He gives them hugs and kisses, he tries to ride Niblet like a rocking horse and much to the bullies enjoyment, he loves to feed them and tries to share his sippy cups as well.  We do have to remind him that he needs to have soft touches at times.  Luckily, all of our animals are very tolerant and patient with our little guy as he is exploring self control :)  
One of the MANY photos of Dylan and Butters looking adorable :)
Dylan is learning a lot of new things in his new room at daycare.  He loves singing songs.  His favorites are Wheels on the Bus, Bringing Home a Baby Bumblebee and If Your Happy and You Know it.  He loves to do all the hand motions and even is starting to "sing" out some words.  We are having such a great time with him.

We are at the conclusion of a rough few days with Dylan.  On Saturday afternoon he started with a fever which lasted about 72 hours.  After his fever broke, we found he was covered in a rash.  So it turns out he had Roseola.  So he has been home all week with Dennis and me.  We have been trying to work throughout the day while spending time with him.  He is feeling much better and we are hopeful he will be going to daycare tomorrow.  
Sick little boy, playing with blocks
We took a trip to Iowa the last weekend of February to visit Grandma.  Dylan had a great time and a great visit.  Mom and Dad were chopped liver compared to Grandma for the weekend.  We wish he could spend more time with her, he always seems to enjoy his time there so much. 

All smiles with his Grandma

 We are so ready for Spring!  Dylan keeps wanting to be outside and we have gotten out there for a few walks and to the park once.  He loved the slide.  Hopefully we'll be there a lot soon!  We are looking forward to a lot of outdoor time with our little guy!

Dennis, Angie and Dylan

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Catching up

Hello Family and Friends!  Happy Valentine's Day from the Scavnicars!  We have been doing well.  It has been cold.  January was a disappointing month.  Our first season with Bears season tix and our beloved Bears made it to the playoffs.  But much to our dismay, we lost to the Packers in the final round.  Very disappointing.  It was a cold and brutal day at Solider Field. 

He already hates the Packers :)

Dylan has transitioned from the infant room to the toddler room at school.  He made a seamless transition.  He was reunited with his best friend Grant.  He is growing up so fast, I can't believe it.  He has continued to expand his vocabulary, some new words:  octopus (opoppo), bumblebee (buhbuhbee), bath, turtle, elbow, hippo, hot dog, snow, bull, bubbles, yogurt (yono).  He always knows a lot of animal sounds:  monkey, elephant, chicken, sheep, dog, duck, cow, horse, fish (Dennis made up a noise for the fish), lion, train, kitty, piggy....There might be more but it is hard to remember everything on the spot.  He is obsessed with the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse cartoon.  When he says Mickey Mouse it sounds very much like MaMa and when he says Donald Duck is sounds very much like Dada.  He really loves the songs in the show and so most of the time we DVR it and watch the beginning song and the end :)  He is still really into Elmo and Big Bird.  His favorite stuffed animal is a Big Bird who he snuggles with every night. 

Dylan continues to amaze us with his massive appetite.  He loves to eat and very rarely refuses food.  Two things that he doesn't appear to like are oatmeal and canned green beans (Frozen are good:).  He loves spaghetti the most and has seemed to really like potatoes recently.  He is a growing boy!  We find out Wednesday just how much he has grown, he seems so tall lately. 

New tracksuit!

First bubble bath

Bubbles and Bulldogs!

Dylan had his first snow day.  We got about 15-20 inches of snow.  We were able to spend a little time the day after the big storm in the snow with Dylan and the doggies.  We even found an old sled in our crawl space that we took out for a spin.  Dylan really enjoyed himself. 
Snow Day!
We can't wait for nice weather!  We were able to go for a walk today and it was so nice to get outside and not be completely frozen after a few minutes!  We hope you are all doing well!


The Scavnicars

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Christmas/Winter Time

Dylan had a great 2nd Christmas.  He enjoyed his trip to Iowa.  We were able to spend time with family and friends.  Dylan loved his time with Grandma, he made sure to give her lots of snuggles. 
Great Grandma and Grandma
Dylan also got to spend some time out in the snow.  He had so much fun.  At one point I was swinging him up in the air and plopping him in the snow.  He really loved that, he kept laughing and laughing.  And the he points and says "Snow". 

Dylan enjoying himself in the snow!

Hanging with Uncle Matt at his home in Knoxville
We spent one night at Matt & Cathy's in Knoxville.  Dylan got to see his patrolman uncle in his uniform and also got to see the lights and hear the sirens of his car.  He got a little freaked by the sirens.

Dylan is officially a walker now.  He is toddling around all over the place.  He also has such a vocabulary.  I feel like he learns a new word everyday.  His newest words: nose, eyes, ears, belly,  applesauce, bath, Matt (uncle), Big Bird and Elmo, applesauce, I don't know (really don't know where he picked that up), milk...he also knows That the cow says moo, the horse neighs, the monkey goes Ooo OOo and the piggy snorts.  It is adorable.  He also has learned where his eyes, ears, nose, mouth, belly, hands and feet are.  He loves to show you where your nose is, it is adorable.  He is like a little sponge and learns so quickly.  I'm sure this is normal for this age but since he is my first I just think he is so smart!

Loves to share with the doggies
Vacuuming!  He loves it and everytime he sees it he makes a vrooom noise!
We hope everyone had a safe and happy New Year!