Friday, October 29, 2010

11 Months and Halloween

Hello Everyone!  Dylan has had a great month so far.  Lots of fun activities and firsts for him.  He turned 11 months.  He is getting very close to being a 1 year old!  We are planning his birthday party and I cannot wait to see him eat his cake!  He had two different Halloween Costumes this year, both were pretty cheap as well since we used things we already had which was nice.  He was a baby Mike Ditka for a Halloween party we went to last week at the Krygowski's.  He was not really a fan of the mustache or glasses so we opted to have him be Herky the Hawkeye for his school's Halloween party.  We got to go to the school and watch his the parade.  they put the infants in a buggy, a couple of strollers and wagons for the parade.  The costumes were all adorable.  Dylan enjoyed having us come to school.  We did sneak out when he wasn't looking so he wouldn't get too upset that we were going back to work.  Here are a few pictures from this month and the Halloween fun!

Best one, he did not want to sit at ALL!

Mommy and Baby Ditka

We don't really like the Chicago Bears at all :)

Many of the kids at the party, there were more but we couldn't get them all in one shot!

On the buggy, waiting for the parade, Go Hawks.  His best friend Grant is the skeleton beside him

Out on the playground on the parade route

Enjoying the ride!

I cannot believe it has almost been a year. I remember last year this time I was so anxious for Dylan to join us.  He has truly blessed our lives and we enjoy every day we get to spend with him.  He has recently started to take a few solo steps.  I hope he will be walking regularly soon.  He is a big boy and can make our arms quite tired :) 

Everyone have a safe and HAPPY HALLOWEEN!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Fall Fun!

Hello Everyone!

We have been busy busy!  Dylan went to his first pumpkin farm!  It was quite the event.  We had 6 couples for a total of 6 boys and 1 girl all under 14 mos.  The farm was jam packed as well!  The kids enjoyed exploring the pumpkins.  Only two of us braved the animal farm.  Dylan and Cole really like the animals, especially the baby camel.  We fed some of the goats with carrot sticks and Dylan wanted to eat the carrots himself :) 

Look at all these pumpkins!
Checking out the baby camel!

We also made a trip to Morton Arboretum.  They have a children's garden which Dylan really enjoyed.  It involved water so of course he really enjoyed himself.  He got to play in a fountain with squirting frogs and in a stream with lots of pebbles and rocks. 
Playing in the fountain, loved the squirting frogs
Playing in the stream

Dylan is working on walking by himself.  He has been standing periodically and taking steps towards us.  Most of the time he falls on his bottom. 

He is also working on expanding his vocabulary and using sign language, he says several words now:
La (Light) (says and signs)
Duh (Duck)
Uppa (up)
All done (says and signs)
More (signs)

He also likes to mimic sneezes and barks when we walk by dogs barking.  He also likes to dance to music.  His favorite toys are soft toys when you press their belly they play music. 

He is officially 11 months.  Only 30 more days til his 1 year birthday!  We will post his 11 month pic soon. 

Angie, Dennis and Dylan

Friday, October 1, 2010

Time to Catch Up!

I've been slacking on uploading photos and writing this blog.  Things have been a little hectic for us lately.  So I have missed Dylan's 9 and 10 month updates.  This will have to serve as an update for both.  I've probably forgotten at least half of what we have done the last month or so as well.  I guess I'll blame that on Mommy Brain! 

Dylan is growing like a weed!  At 9 months he was weighing in at around 21 1/2 lbs.  I weighed him today and it seems he is almost 24.  I was holding him and subtracted so I would guess it is probably a little off.  He had his tube surgery, it went extremely well.  He was so brave.  He hasn't had an ear infection in two months so hopefully it stays that way! 

He is all over the place.  He is not walking yet but crawls, pulls up on everything and walks along furniture.  He is so busy.  His personality is really developing and it is so funny to watch him.  He really hams it up for everyone.  His favorite "word" is UH OH.  Everything is UH OH.  It is so funny.  He loves his bulldogs and his kitty very much.  They are all very patient and good with him, even when he is pulling their fur and ears!

Butters cuddling with us on the couch!

We had a busy September.  We went to Algona to see our family.  Trav was in a wedding so him and Molly came home and Matt and Cathy did as well.  Dylan got to spend time with them.  We also had a visit with Grandpa Struecker.  We then went and visiting Grandpa Wagner in the nursing home.  It was very nice to see everyone.  Unfortunately we had to come back the next weekend for my Grandpa Wagner's funeral.  We were happy we were able to see him the previous weekend.  Dylan was a trooper with all the travel. 

Visiting GPA Struecker

We got Bears season tickets so we are looking forward to a lot of football this year!  Dennis will be going to almost all of the games.  I think I am going to 3 maybe 4 total. 

Dennis and I at our first game with our season tickets!

Hope everyone is well! 

Angie, Dennis and Dylan