Tuesday, April 27, 2010

5 Months & First School Pictures

Here are some more pictures!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Matt's Wedding

We had Uncle Matt's wedding a couple of weeks ago!  Congratulations to them!  It was a great weekend and the wedding was beautiful and so fun!  It was so great to see all the family and they got to meet Dylan.  He was rarely without someone who wanted hold him.  Dylan was so good despite his schedule being all out of whack.  He is such a good baby, Dennis and I thank our lucky stars every single day for that fact.  I know we are in for it with the next one ;)

Here are a couple of cute pictures from that weekend:
Dylan crashed at the hotel the first night!

At the reception

Struecker siblings and the lucky ones who married us or will get to marry us...:)

We started a baby sign language class.  We are doing it with another couple we know that has a baby who is 3 months old than Dylan.  It is fast paced but fun.  I can't wait until Dylan does his first sign, it will be great to be able to communicate with him.  We are starting with basic signs like:  More, Milk, Eat, All Done, Mommy, Daddy....  The class is fun, we do a lot of songs with signs and it is fun seeing other babies. 

Another big event in the Scavnicar household Dylan started solids about a week ago.  We were all prepared for the big event.  We recorded the entire event and Dennis also managed to take 176 pictures of it!  He was a little confused about what this cereal stuff was at first but he is becoming a pro.  We have only done cereal so far.  I think he will be ready for some veggies soon! 
Gimme that, I can do this better than you!

I love cereal!

Hope you are all doing great.  It was great to see everyone at the wedding!  


The Scavnicars  

Friday, April 2, 2010

Catching up!

Hello!  So sorry for the delay.  I have a lot of catching up to do!  We have had a plague come upon the Scavnicar household the last month.  It all started with Dennis being sick for a few days, then he cleared up, then Dylan got sick and had an ear infection.  A week later Dennis was sick again and this was for 5 or 6 days.  Then Dylan had another ear infection.  Then it was time for me to get sick.  Thankfully I only had a mild version of what Dennis had.  I'm getting rid of the last of the sniffles and hopefully that will be it for a long time! 

So Dylan's 4 month birthday was March 12.  He had his 4 month well baby visit the same day.  He was sick so I felt just terrible for him.  Here is a sick baby picture.  It was so sad and I cried so much! 

He is still our big boy.  At 4 months he was weighing in at 16lbs 12 oz.  He is 26 inches long.  He has slowed a bit on the growth charts, only in the 85-90th percentiles now.  Except for his melon which is 17.25 inches and in the 95%.  Dennis gets all the credit for that one! 

Happy 4 Month old!

Can't wait for opening day!

Despite his ailments, he was a trooper when he was sick.  He still slept through the night every night.  We did start sleep training (letting him cry it out at night).  I can't believe we didn't do this before!  It would take us so long to get him to fall asleep at night and now we put him down and voila!  The first few times was hard to listen to him cry but it was quick and the most crying we get now is 5-10 minutes.  It is fabulous!

We love Dylan's daycare.  His teachers are so nice and I genuinely think he enjoys himself there.  They spend so much time on the floor with the babies which is great b/c at home floor time can be limited if the bulldogs decide they want to get into the mix.

Dylan's new things:  he talks constantly, all day through school and always talks during church.  I think he likes to compete with the pastor as to who can get the most people to pay attention to him.  He is rolling somewhat.  He can get from him tummy to his back and almost from back to tummy but his arm gets in the way.  He is starting to be able to sit by himself momentarily.  He laughs and smiles all the time!  Everyone says what a happy baby he is!  He grabs at toys, faces, hair (much to my dismay, he had two fistfuls last night and would not let go).  Oh and most importantly, he has TWO TEETH!!!!!!!  I couldn't believe it, but one day I thought I saw something, felt inside his mouth and number one was coming through and then the next day, there was number two!  All this happened while he was battling his cold and ear infections but he was still pretty good and not very fussy through any of that.  I hope the rest of the teething is as easy as these were!

You can see his teeth in this one, if you look closely!

Well that was a long post since I haven't posted in FOREVER!  Hopefully the next one will be quicker.  We are heading to Pella/Knoxville Iowa next weekend for my brother Matt's wedding.  Dylan has the cutest little outfit.  I can't wait to take pictures.  He will get to meet a lot of our family which is exciting!  Hope everyone is doing well and I will see many of you next weekend!  Love~Angie, Dennis and Dylan