Sunday, February 28, 2010

3 Month Pictures

Here is a link to Dylan's 3 month pictures.  I think to view them you have to register but it is free!  He did not want to smile but I think we got some cute ones!

Monday, February 22, 2010

3 months!

Hello Everyone!  Things are going fantastic with Dylan.  He is now a little over three months old.  He has been sleeping through the night for about 3 or 4 weeks now.  So it was decided that it was time to move the little man to his own room.  He has slept very well for two nights in a row in his own room.  I think he probably didn't even notice but I sure did.  It is very nice to not have to tiptoe around at night in our room.  I have been back at work starting my 4th week.  I am enjoying being back in the swing of things but I do miss getting to take care of my little boy all day.  He is still a growing boy.  We weighed him the other night and it seems to be around 16 lbs (we don't have a baby scale so one of us holds him and subtracts:))  He is all smiles a lot of the time and just a happy and content baby.  We went on another trip to IA to visit Grandma Struecker.  He did fabulous in the car ride again.  There is so much snow in IA.  I wish Dylan was a little bigger b/c he would have had a blast playing in all that snow.  It was ridiculous.  We took a quick picture of him in the snow before we left.  He didn't seem to like it much!

Our next trip to IA will be for my brother's wedding in April.  Hopefully he'll still be a good car rider.  We just got his three month pictures taken yesterday.  We should have them by the end of the week.  It was very nice, a relative of Dennis' is a photographer and they came to our house to take the pictures.  I am very anxious to see how they turned out.  He didn't smile much of course but at least he didn't cry.  This is Dylan's last week with Grandma Scavnicar during the day.  He will be starting daycare on Monday, March 1st.  I think it will be hard to drop him off so it is a good thing that Dennis' is taking that on.  I am going for his first day and am not sure if I'll leave all day!  We are very happy with the daycare and know they will take fantastic care of him.  HOpe all is well with everyone.  I will post his 3 month pics as soon as we get them!