Hello Everyone! Things are going fantastic with Dylan. He is now a little over three months old. He has been sleeping through the night for about 3 or 4 weeks now. So it was decided that it was time to move the little man to his own room. He has slept very well for two nights in a row in his own room. I think he probably didn't even notice but I sure did. It is very nice to not have to tiptoe around at night in our room. I have been back at work starting my 4th week. I am enjoying being back in the swing of things but I do miss getting to take care of my little boy all day. He is still a growing boy. We weighed him the other night and it seems to be around 16 lbs (we don't have a baby scale so one of us holds him and subtracts:)) He is all smiles a lot of the time and just a happy and content baby. We went on another trip to IA to visit Grandma Struecker. He did fabulous in the car ride again. There is so much snow in IA. I wish Dylan was a little bigger b/c he would have had a blast playing in all that snow. It was ridiculous. We took a quick picture of him in the snow before we left. He didn't seem to like it much!