Saturday, December 11, 2010


Dylan went to visit Santa last night!  He was very indifferent to Santa.  He was more interested in the Santa's work shop next to Santa which had Christmas lights and mechanical elves working on it.  He did check Santa out for a minute.  He really enjoyed the candy cane that Santa gave him.

Dylan really loves the Christmas tree.  We had to do some creative furniture arrangement around the tree.  The couches on either side and the coffee table in front so Dylan cannot get to the tree.  We are afraid he won't leave it alone b/c he loves lights and will probably try to pull on them all the time.  But he likes to look at it and is working on his climbing skills now to get to the tree :) 

He has a few new words to add to the list.  These are his new words: banana, apple, Niblet, Butters, ball, book, block, Moo, more, Elmo, balloon.  We are still only taking a few steps here or there.  He seems content with cruising on furniture and crawling for now. 

We will be heading of Algona for Christmas.  We hope to see a  lot of family and friends.  If you are in town, please let us know so we can get together. 

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!  Love, Angie, Dennis & Dylan

Sunday, November 21, 2010


Hello Everyone!

Happy Birthday to Dylan!  He turned one on November 12!  We had a great birthday party.  We had family and friends, lots of good food.  Everyone was very generous and gave Dylan great gifts and a great party!  We appreciate everything!  Dylan dug right into his first cake!  He loved it! 

Eating Cake!

Last Picture with his bear!
He is working on taking steps on his own.  He is becoming a bit more independent but I think it will still be a few weeks before he is toddling around consistently.  He is still working on increasing his vocabulary.  He has started calling Niblet (na-na) Butters (bub-ba).  He loves his doggies very much.  He copies a lot of sounds we make so it is difficult to know what he knows and what he doesn't know.   He also is a big eater.  He has such an appetite.  He really enjoys all kinds of food and is very demanding about getting "more".  It is very cute.  He is also quite the bookworm.  He loves to sit in your lap and have you read to him.  He likes to turn the pages. 

In a camping chair from Uncle Matt & Aunt Cathy
We had a visit from Uncle Matt and Aunt Cathy and my friend Erin.  I think Dylan enjoyed his house guests.  Grandma was supposed to come Saturday but a early snowstorm in Algona delayed her for one day.  She came on Sunday night.  He enjoyed his time with Grandma.  They read a lot of books and took walks in his new push buggy which Grandma got him for his birthday.  It is by far his favorite present so far.  Too bad we can't use it for much longer since it will be turning much colder. 

We will be heading to Algona for Thanksgiving.  We leave on Wednesday.  It will be nice to see the family again. 

Hope you all have a great Thanksgiving! 

Friday, October 29, 2010

11 Months and Halloween

Hello Everyone!  Dylan has had a great month so far.  Lots of fun activities and firsts for him.  He turned 11 months.  He is getting very close to being a 1 year old!  We are planning his birthday party and I cannot wait to see him eat his cake!  He had two different Halloween Costumes this year, both were pretty cheap as well since we used things we already had which was nice.  He was a baby Mike Ditka for a Halloween party we went to last week at the Krygowski's.  He was not really a fan of the mustache or glasses so we opted to have him be Herky the Hawkeye for his school's Halloween party.  We got to go to the school and watch his the parade.  they put the infants in a buggy, a couple of strollers and wagons for the parade.  The costumes were all adorable.  Dylan enjoyed having us come to school.  We did sneak out when he wasn't looking so he wouldn't get too upset that we were going back to work.  Here are a few pictures from this month and the Halloween fun!

Best one, he did not want to sit at ALL!

Mommy and Baby Ditka

We don't really like the Chicago Bears at all :)

Many of the kids at the party, there were more but we couldn't get them all in one shot!

On the buggy, waiting for the parade, Go Hawks.  His best friend Grant is the skeleton beside him

Out on the playground on the parade route

Enjoying the ride!

I cannot believe it has almost been a year. I remember last year this time I was so anxious for Dylan to join us.  He has truly blessed our lives and we enjoy every day we get to spend with him.  He has recently started to take a few solo steps.  I hope he will be walking regularly soon.  He is a big boy and can make our arms quite tired :) 

Everyone have a safe and HAPPY HALLOWEEN!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Fall Fun!

Hello Everyone!

We have been busy busy!  Dylan went to his first pumpkin farm!  It was quite the event.  We had 6 couples for a total of 6 boys and 1 girl all under 14 mos.  The farm was jam packed as well!  The kids enjoyed exploring the pumpkins.  Only two of us braved the animal farm.  Dylan and Cole really like the animals, especially the baby camel.  We fed some of the goats with carrot sticks and Dylan wanted to eat the carrots himself :) 

Look at all these pumpkins!
Checking out the baby camel!

We also made a trip to Morton Arboretum.  They have a children's garden which Dylan really enjoyed.  It involved water so of course he really enjoyed himself.  He got to play in a fountain with squirting frogs and in a stream with lots of pebbles and rocks. 
Playing in the fountain, loved the squirting frogs
Playing in the stream

Dylan is working on walking by himself.  He has been standing periodically and taking steps towards us.  Most of the time he falls on his bottom. 

He is also working on expanding his vocabulary and using sign language, he says several words now:
La (Light) (says and signs)
Duh (Duck)
Uppa (up)
All done (says and signs)
More (signs)

He also likes to mimic sneezes and barks when we walk by dogs barking.  He also likes to dance to music.  His favorite toys are soft toys when you press their belly they play music. 

He is officially 11 months.  Only 30 more days til his 1 year birthday!  We will post his 11 month pic soon. 

Angie, Dennis and Dylan

Friday, October 1, 2010

Time to Catch Up!

I've been slacking on uploading photos and writing this blog.  Things have been a little hectic for us lately.  So I have missed Dylan's 9 and 10 month updates.  This will have to serve as an update for both.  I've probably forgotten at least half of what we have done the last month or so as well.  I guess I'll blame that on Mommy Brain! 

Dylan is growing like a weed!  At 9 months he was weighing in at around 21 1/2 lbs.  I weighed him today and it seems he is almost 24.  I was holding him and subtracted so I would guess it is probably a little off.  He had his tube surgery, it went extremely well.  He was so brave.  He hasn't had an ear infection in two months so hopefully it stays that way! 

He is all over the place.  He is not walking yet but crawls, pulls up on everything and walks along furniture.  He is so busy.  His personality is really developing and it is so funny to watch him.  He really hams it up for everyone.  His favorite "word" is UH OH.  Everything is UH OH.  It is so funny.  He loves his bulldogs and his kitty very much.  They are all very patient and good with him, even when he is pulling their fur and ears!

Butters cuddling with us on the couch!

We had a busy September.  We went to Algona to see our family.  Trav was in a wedding so him and Molly came home and Matt and Cathy did as well.  Dylan got to spend time with them.  We also had a visit with Grandpa Struecker.  We then went and visiting Grandpa Wagner in the nursing home.  It was very nice to see everyone.  Unfortunately we had to come back the next weekend for my Grandpa Wagner's funeral.  We were happy we were able to see him the previous weekend.  Dylan was a trooper with all the travel. 

Visiting GPA Struecker

We got Bears season tickets so we are looking forward to a lot of football this year!  Dennis will be going to almost all of the games.  I think I am going to 3 maybe 4 total. 

Dennis and I at our first game with our season tickets!

Hope everyone is well! 

Angie, Dennis and Dylan

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

8 mos a little late!

Hello Everyone,

We are a little late getting the 8 months update to you since he will be 9 mos in a few days but better late than never.  Dylan is doing new things all the time!  He is becoming such a big boy. 

I'm 8 months Old!

No diaper!
He is now pulling up all the time.  He has even started his big boy crawl at times.  He still army crawls most of the time, I think he finds it more efficient. 

I think I can pull up on this pole!
He started making "Mama" sounds.  Not sure if he is really talking about me but I would like to think he is!  It sounds like "mommom"!  It is adorable.  He is so curious and getting into everything.  We are exploring finger foods.  Cheerios, bananas and watermelon are his favorites.  He has started eating his first "school lunch".  They provide lunch at school so he has been eating veggies and fruit while at school.  It is a great way to have him explore finger foods.  He is talking a lot more and starting to wave bye bye.  He also likes to mimic what you are doing which is hilarious.  In the car on the way home from school we talk back and forth he always has a big smile on his face.

I Love Graham Crackers

I went to Phoenix for work for a few days and got to spend some time with Trav and Molly.  It was great to see them.  Dennis went on his annual fishing trip so Mama and Dylan had a whole week on our own.  We had a lot of fun.  I am responsible for Dylan having about 8 bug bites on his head, the mosquitoes here have been ridiculous and we went to the park which was a mistake.  But they haven't seemed to bother him.

He now has 8 teeth!  Which is crazy!  But I guess we are getting them out of the way quickly!  The last two have really seemed to bother him.  He was having some trouble sleeping through the night while daddy was away.  I haven't had to be up with him in the middle of the night in quite some time and it was definitely not fun!

We have scheduled his tube surgery for his ears.  We have been battling these ear infections for a few months now and it sounds like it is what is best for him.  I'm sure I'll be a wreck the morning of the surgery. 

We have entered the world of cloth diapering.  We still use disposables for him at school but at home we are all cloth.  They are very cute and so soft.  I'm sure they are more comfortable than the disposables.  They have definitely come a long way since diaper pins and plastic pants. 

One of my new Diapers!

Trying to steal the birthday boy's cake!
Hope everyone is doing well! 

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Fourth of July!

Hello Everyone,

I hope everyone had a fun and safe holiday weekend.  Dylan had a very busy weekend.  On Friday night we went to Ribfest in Naperville.  We met a few other couples and their babies there.  They were all a little young to enjoy the rides and such but I think Dylan just liked all the activity.  We ate some great BBQ. 

Saturday we went up to Dennis' parents condo and took Dylan to the swimming pool for the first time.  The baby pool was not open b/c of a broken pipe so we braved the big pool.  We had to rig some floaties on him so he could be in that pool.  He enjoyed it and did not cry at all. 

On the Fourth we went to a friend's party.  They have it every year.  There were lots of babies there this year (we were all at the party last year pregnant).  Here is a picture of the babies!  No we did not plan to have our babies wear the same shirt.  We just have good taste and shop at the same stores :)
Team USA
Trying to get them all to look at the camera, impossible task!

Dylan also went into the pool again at this party.  He is going to be a little fishy!

I love this thing!

Swimming with Dad

We went to Algona over Founder's Day.  Dylan got to see his first concert and stay out way past his bedtime.  He also went to visit Great Grandpa Struecker and Great Grandpa and Grandma Wagner.  I forgot my camera so no pictures from that visit.  We also went to the Algona Pool.  It was a lot of fun! 

Angie, Dennis and Dylan

Friday, June 25, 2010

7 Months

Hello!  Hope you are all doing well.  We are doing great!  Dylan is growing up so fast.  We survived another ear infection, we might be candidates for tubes pretty soon if he keeps getting them :(  I know it is for the best but it makes me really sad to think of my baby having surgery (even if it's outpatient). 

I turned 30 this month!  Yeah for me!  Dennis organized a little party for me and Erin and Jessie came from out of town.  We had a great time.  Here is Dylan with cake #1 and the card he made me at school.

Cake #2!  I guess when you get this old, you get 2 cakes!  It must help you deal with the pain :) 

Dylan has been doing some new things.  He is army crawling like a mad man since last weekend.  He also gets up on all fours and rocks back and forth all the time, so crawling with be happening very soon we think.  Sometimes he launches himself into a faceplant when he is doing that.  It is so very cute.  He has started getting in his 3rd tooth.  The 4th one is going to be joining it any day, you can see and feel it is right there.  They are his top middle teeth.  He has started eating cheerios as a finger food.  It is hilarious.  He doesn't quite have his pincer grip down yet, he'll use it to pick up the cheerio but then he has trouble putting the cheerio in his mouth in the two fingers, he tries to shove it in with his whole hand.  Usually the bulldogs get some moist cheerios that have fallen from the highchair while he is trying. 

We celebrated our first Father's Day.  Dennis got to sleep in and have a nice relaxing day at his request.  We hung out as a family, took a walk with the dogs and made a nice big dinner!  Dylan made him a little finger painting at school, it is very cute!  It even came with its own mini easel!  He also helped me wrap his Daddy's present and wrote Daddy and put a drawing on it! 

Here is Dylan's 7 month picture. 

Big Boy standing up in his crib!
I cannot believe it has already been 7 months.  Time is going by too fast!  But we are enjoying every minute with our special little guy.  We don't have a lot planned for the summer.  I am glad that we get to relax and enjoy our first summer w/o having to worry about a lot of events and trips!  We are heading to Algona for Founder's Day.  That should be a lot of fun! 

We are putting a fence around our backyard.  We figured it was probably best since we live on a pond and having a toddler.  It will also be  blessing for the bulldogs!  They are going to be psyched to play in the yard w/o a leash!  It should be done about a week from today. 

Well that is all for now. I hope everyone is well and has a happy and safe 4th of July! 

Love, the Scavnicars

Monday, May 24, 2010

Baptism & 6 Months


Lots to talk about!  Dylan has been doing great!  He was baptized on May 2nd.  It was a great day.  He did very well through most of the service and the baptism even though it was during nap time.  We had the family over for lunch afterwards.  Thanks to all who came and shared in Dylan's special day!  Grandma Struecker came to stay for an entire week and Uncle Matt and Aunt Cathy came to visit for the weekend.  It was very nice to have my family here.  Dylan stayed home for daycare for the week.  I took a few days off to hang out with them but Grandma watched him the days that I worked.  It was so great having her here to take care of him.  I offered to have her come and live with us and take care of Dylan full time :0) 

Dylan also celebrated his 1/2 birthday on May 12!  I cannot believe how quickly the time has passed.  He had his 6 mos checkup. He is doing great.  He is now 18lbs 9oz and 27 1/4 inches.  He has doubled his birth weight now which I thought was fitting for his half birthday :)

Dylan has been sitting on his own very well recently.  He also is starting to show signs he wants to crawl.  Right now he moves around by rolling and spinning on his belly.  He can go quite a distance just rolling around, it is very cute.  He is starting to notice the dogs and cat and gets a big smile when he sees them near him.  He reaches out and grabs their faces and tries to eat the bullies noses. 

Solid food has been fun!  So far he has had green beans, peas, carrots, squash, sweet potatoes (favorite) and tonight he tried his first fruit-apples.  He has been very receptive to all foods but you can tell which ones he has enjoyed more.  So far I am making his food.  I enjoy cooking so I have had fun.  It has been very basic so I am anxious for him to be able to eat some more complex foods. 

We made another trip to Iowa last weekend.  We had a wedding in Des Moines.  He did great in the car.   Dylan spent his first night away from both of us.  He stayed with Uncle Matt & Aunt Cathy.  He did very well and Dennis and I survived.  We missed him very much but it was also nice to have a night to ourselves. 

Well I think that is it for us.  I hope everyone is doing well.  Love-Angie, Dennis & Dylan

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

5 Months & First School Pictures

Here are some more pictures!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Matt's Wedding

We had Uncle Matt's wedding a couple of weeks ago!  Congratulations to them!  It was a great weekend and the wedding was beautiful and so fun!  It was so great to see all the family and they got to meet Dylan.  He was rarely without someone who wanted hold him.  Dylan was so good despite his schedule being all out of whack.  He is such a good baby, Dennis and I thank our lucky stars every single day for that fact.  I know we are in for it with the next one ;)

Here are a couple of cute pictures from that weekend:
Dylan crashed at the hotel the first night!

At the reception

Struecker siblings and the lucky ones who married us or will get to marry us...:)

We started a baby sign language class.  We are doing it with another couple we know that has a baby who is 3 months old than Dylan.  It is fast paced but fun.  I can't wait until Dylan does his first sign, it will be great to be able to communicate with him.  We are starting with basic signs like:  More, Milk, Eat, All Done, Mommy, Daddy....  The class is fun, we do a lot of songs with signs and it is fun seeing other babies. 

Another big event in the Scavnicar household Dylan started solids about a week ago.  We were all prepared for the big event.  We recorded the entire event and Dennis also managed to take 176 pictures of it!  He was a little confused about what this cereal stuff was at first but he is becoming a pro.  We have only done cereal so far.  I think he will be ready for some veggies soon! 
Gimme that, I can do this better than you!

I love cereal!

Hope you are all doing great.  It was great to see everyone at the wedding!  


The Scavnicars